Translation Services for Software and Web

More than 100 million people access the internet every day in a language other than English and the chances are that 50% of those people will leave your website almost immediately if it is not available in their mother tongue.

That’s why we believe that a well-designed, accurate and localised website is critical to the success of any global business. We not only deliver excellent translation results for our customers, but work with modern optimisation tools and flexible content management systems.

During initial consultations, we ensure localised keywords, metadata tags and language structure are pre-defined and researched before any translation is produced.

We also offer high-quality localisation infrastructure – ranging from cultural assessment to output methodology – and have an outstanding track record in dialogues, strings, error messages, menus, help and online documentation.

Our in-house Translation Memory (TM) technology ensures consistency in terminology and gives you the means to retrieve repeated sections of standard text and terminology. This saves you time and money without compromising on standards. And we constantly test and invest in our localisation tools to guarantee you the very best service.

All of this relies on qualified teams of skilled professionals working together and we pride ourselves on working in partnership with our clients’ project teams to deliver successful localisation projects.

Translation Services for the Medical Profession

Medical Translations

Translating medical materials, like other science and pharmaceuticals, is a highly-regulated, highly-specialised sector where need for accuracy under pressure is crucial in every discipline and field




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