APT Translation Services

Technical Services

Technical Services

APT Transtelex is a full-service translation agency and we’ve been helping the worlds leading brands grow their sales internationally since 1974. We’ve translated over 60 million words for 1,400+ customers, all with their own unique challenges. From websites and marketing in Mandarin, to technical documents in Turkish – we can get the job done quickly, accurately and for the best value. Every translation is supported by our guaranteed quality assurance and design production services if required.

Translation Memory

APT’s Translation memory technology allows us to reuse text when translating your materials, particularly documents that need updating on a fairly regular basis in multiple languages

Desktop Publishing – DTP

APT provides multilingual desktop publishing (DTP) in a number of document formats to ensure that your message translates perfectly

Terminology Management

Adopting key terminology is widely thought to boost competitive advantage, especially with brands. So it’s important that your translations support that terminology and ideas translate well




Awarded Works

APT Translation Services


Audiovisual Services

APT Transtelex is a full-service translation agency and we’ve been helping the worlds leading brands grow their sales internationally since 1974. We’ve translated over 60 million words for 1,400+ customers, all with their own unique challenges. From websites and marketing in Mandarin, to technical documents in Turkish – we can get the job done quickly, accurately and for the best value. Every translation is supported by our guaranteed quality assurance and design production services if required.


APT’s professional studios have the latest recording technology to ensure the highest standards in voiceover services. We specialise in multilingual voiceovers for all forms of media, including corporate productions, e-learning materials, animation and talking books


APT manage written, simultaneous and consecutive interpreting services for business meetings, conferences, training seminars, court hearings, site tours and trade shows

Subtitling & Voiceovers

APT’s professional studios have the latest recording technology to ensure the highest standards in voiceover services. We specialise in multilingual voiceovers for all forms of media, including corporate productions, e-learning materials, animation and talking books




Awarded Works

APT Translation Services


Localization Services

APT Transtelex is a full-service translation agency and we’ve been helping the worlds leading brands grow their sales internationally since 1974. We’ve translated over 60 million words for 1,400+ customers, all with their own unique challenges. From websites and marketing in Mandarin, to technical documents in Turkish – we can get the job done quickly, accurately and for the best value. Every translation is supported by our guaranteed quality assurance and design production services if required.

Technical Translation Services

A well-designed, accurate and localised website is critical to the success of any global business. APT uses in-house Translation Memory (TM) technology saving you time and money without compromising on standards

Marketing & Advertising Translation Services

By understanding the cultural needs of region-specific marketing campaigns, APT works with you to understand both the message you want to deliver and the tone you want to deliver it

Software and Web Translation Services

A well-designed, accurate and localised website is critical to the success of any global business. APT uses in-house Translation Memory (TM) technology saving you time and money without compromising on standards




Awarded Works

APT Translation Services


Translation Services

APT Transtelex is a full-service translation agency and we’ve been helping the worlds leading brands grow their sales internationally since 1974. We’ve translated over 60 million words for 1,400+ customers, all with their own unique challenges. From websites and marketing in Mandarin, to technical documents in Turkish – we can get the job done quickly, accurately and for the best value. Every translation is supported by our guaranteed quality assurance and design production services if required.

Tender Documents, Bids and Proposals Translation Services

Fast, accurate translation service from a company that is going to take as much care over the standard of your translated documentation as you did creating it

Patents and Trademarks Translation Services

APT has supported countless businesses with patent and trademark translation, working on documentation for both information purposes and the full filing process

Regulatory Compliance Translation Services

APT is experienced in standards compliance documentation and regulatory compliance. Key elements of day-to-day business for many of our clients, particularly in the medical profession




Awarded Works

APT Translation Memory

Translation Memory

Translation Memory

This is a really useful piece of technology that allows us to reuse text when translating your materials, particularly documents that need updating on a fairly regular basis. For instance, perhaps you a microwave manufacturer looking to translate its user manual into a number of languages.

APT can help you with that and would store the original copy in Translation Memory. Then, if the manual ever needed updating we would run your new copy through the programme to quickly highlight any new sections. Those sections would then be translated in full.

We always recommend – where time and budget allows – that our translators then do a final edit of the full document, including original text, to ensure the highest levels of accuracy. However, using Translation Memory means that only brand new material is translated, saving you time and money. The more we work with a client on similar products and materials, the faster the turnaround and the lower the costs become.

Translation Services for the Energy Sector

Energy Sector Translations

APT is a member of the Energy Industries Council and experts in translating for the oil, gas, nuclear and renewables industries




Awarded Works

APT Terminology

Terminology Management

Terminology Management

The words that you choose to describe your business, products and services are crucial – they support your brand image and help you stand out from the crowd. What’s more, adopting key terminology is widely thought to boost competitive advantage. So, it’s equally important that your translations support those choices.

We work in partnership with our clients to ensure that all key translated terminology is thoroughly checked and analysed, either by the client themselves or an industry expert. We also actively identify ways in which our clients can re-use previous translations to ensure ongoing consistency across different forms of communication, such as web, marketing materials and technical documentation.

The importance of glossaries is often overlooked – when kept up-to-date, they ensure accuracy and consistency and can speed up the translation and process of localising language, as well as saving you money in the long term. Wherever possible we recommend that clients work with us to create glossaries, although we recognise that time and financial constraints mean that this is not always possible.

Translation Services for the Financial Sector

Financial Translations

The financial industry is fiercely competitive and governance and regulatory controls extremely tight, APT knows this sector demands the very highest standards from its translation suppliers




Awarded Works

APT - Desktop Publishing

Desktop Publishing – DTP

Desktop Publishing - Document Formatting

Over the years, we’ve used almost every type of document formatting programme you can imagine – from Quark to Adobe Frame Maker to Corel Draw.

These days, the majority of our clients use Adobe’s InDesign and our DTP team are all experts in the package. We pride ourselves on our flexibility, though, and if you are using a different system it’s very likely that we’ll also know how to use it.

More importantly, we know how much work goes into creating your original copy – the time it takes to write it and lay it out in a visually engaging way. That’s why when you hand over your design files we will treat them with as much care as you have. Our team is made up of a mix of MAC and PC users, which means you can hand over your precious files without any fear of document corruption.

Meanwhile, our page proofing team will conduct all the necessary quality assurance checks to make sure your file is returned quickly and accurately in the languages that you require.

Translation Services for the Renewable Energy Sector

Renewable Energy Translations

As well as degrees in translation, our energy translators all have specialist industry knowledge and experience of the renewable energy industry including solar and wind power




Awarded Works

APT Translation Services for Subtitling & Voiceovers

Subtitling & Voiceovers

Translation Services for Subtitling & Voiceovers

Not all translation requirements are paper-based. For years, we have worked with clients to provide outstanding audio-visual translation services. Our professional studios are kitted out with the latest recording technology and are designed to ensure the highest standards in voiceover services.

Subtitling and dubbing is an extremely complex art. Some languages can be substantially longer than others and often clients will have constraints on the number of characters that can appear on screen. This requires a highly-skilled translator to modify the text without losing the detail of the words.

The key to success is almost always in the pre-production stage – the closer a piece of film is to sign off the better the final subtitling result will be. Nevertheless, words and phrases always need tweaking and we recommend that clients work with us on site at our studios to make those final edits. This allows for greater flexibility and improved accuracy in the final product.

Our engineers each have an average of 20 years’ experience in studio production and are experts in casting, directing and script editing. Every recording session is set up with the client’s needs in mind, and this, combined with our engineers’ expertise, means we can minimise the need for post-production engineering. We also specialise in multilingual voiceovers for all forms of media, including corporate productions, e-learning materials, animation and talking books.

We work with an extensive, global network of professional voice artists, allowing us to create exactly the right tone for your project. And we use ISDN Codec technology to connect our studios with other studios and broadcasting suites around the world, all without compromising on sound quality. We also offer a service called Phone Patch, which allows you to manage, direct and control a voice session remotely – handy if you cannot be at a recording in person, but still want to maintain complete control over your production.

Translation Services for the Renewable Energy Sector

Renewable Energy Translations

As well as degrees in translation, our energy translators all have specialist industry knowledge and experience of the renewable energy industry including solar and wind power




Awarded Works


Translation Services for Transcription

Sometimes you might need to transcribe a meeting or a presentation as it happens. Our dedicated team of project managers can help, thanks to years of experience providing clients with these ‘live’ transcriptions. Each one is trained to transcribe quickly and accurately and are skilled listeners and researchers.

We pride ourselves on working in partnership with our clients to tailor our approach to each session and we offer a wide range of language combinations, including English.

Over the years, we have worked with a variety of sectors, including legal, financial, life sciences, media and entertainment, and we can provide transcription services for:








Translation Services for the Energy Sector

Energy Sector Translations

APT is a member of the Energy Industries Council and experts in translating for the oil, gas, nuclear and renewables industries




Awarded Works

Translation Services - Voiceovers


Translation Services for Interpreting

As well as written translation, we help clients with their interpreting needs, offering both simultaneous and consecutive interpreting services.

Simultaneous interpreting is a highly-skilled, complex process, in which an interpreter must choose the correct words to immediately translate a spoken message. Working in teams of two for each language pair, simultaneous interpreters listen to the speaker and, at the same time, provide an interpretation of what has just been said, continuing with this process until the speaker has finished.

We work with a variety of clients to provide on-site support and can work to very tight deadlines. All of our interpreters are expected to have advanced interpretation qualifications, as well as industry-specific knowledge and a minimum of five years’ experience.

For a meeting or conference involving 10 or more delegates, equipment such as soundproof booths and whisper microphones would be required. We can provide a qualified, on-site technician during your event, along with state-of-the-art equipment. We also have a lot of experience in providing simultaneous interpreting for business meetings, conferences, training seminars, court hearings, site tours and trade shows.

Consecutive interpreting means that an interpreter relays a complete message after the speaker has finished talking. When delivering the message the interpreter is the only person speaking to the target audience in the chosen language.

Typically this service is best suited to small meetings, such as legal proceedings or business presentations. As with our simultaneous interpreting service, we expect all our interpreters to have advanced interpretation qualifications, as well as industry-specific knowledge and a minimum of five years’ experience.

Oil and Gas Translations

Oil and Gas Translations

Technical translation services for the Oil & Gas sector, working with companies such as Worley Parsons, Bechtel, Petrofac and Mott McDonald in more than 80 Languages




Awarded Works