Software and Web Translation Services
Translation Services for Software and Web
More than 100 million people access the internet every day in a language other than English and the chances are that 50% of those people will leave your website almost immediately if it is not available in their mother tongue.
That’s why we believe that a well-designed, accurate and localised website is critical to the success of any global business. We not only deliver excellent translation results for our customers, but work with modern optimisation tools and flexible content management systems.
During initial consultations, we ensure localised keywords, metadata tags and language structure are pre-defined and researched before any translation is produced.
We also offer high-quality localisation infrastructure – ranging from cultural assessment to output methodology – and have an outstanding track record in dialogues, strings, error messages, menus, help and online documentation.
Our in-house Translation Memory (TM) technology ensures consistency in terminology and gives you the means to retrieve repeated sections of standard text and terminology. This saves you time and money without compromising on standards. And we constantly test and invest in our localisation tools to guarantee you the very best service.
All of this relies on qualified teams of skilled professionals working together and we pride ourselves on working in partnership with our clients’ project teams to deliver successful localisation projects.
Consumer and Retail Translations
APT has produced translations for some of the largest retail names, ranging across all manner of products, from consumer electronics to fashion brands
We have a wealth of expertise translating documents for the engineering, energy, legal, financial and medical sectors as well as websites, apps and digital content for e-learning, consumer and public sector.APT Translation Agency specialises in translation, localisation and global content solutions
We know what your business means to you, so we want to deliver the best to you. Our robust quality assurance system is specially designed to engage only top rated translators for projects of our clients.APT Translation Agency specialises in translation, localisation and global content solutions
From marketing in Mandarin, to technical documents in Turkish, we get the job done quickly, accurately combining linguistic excellence, technology and project managementAPT Translation Agency specialises in translation, localisation and global content solutions
Technical Translation Services
Translation Services for Technical Translation
In today’s global marketplace, it’s crucial that you can pitch your product correctly within any given culture or language. Once customers have your product in their hands, it’s just as important that they know how to use it properly.
For the past 40 years, we have worked with some of the biggest household brands to create expertly translated materials for products, packaging and supporting documentation, such as user manuals.
We use tried and tested methodologies to ensure that the process of translating and localising your materials is a smooth one.
We can offer advice and support at each stage of a medical product’s development, or a new drug’s lifecycle – from manufacturing, through to labelling and instructions for use. We ensure all the relevant documentation complies with national and international standards, such as those required by European Medicines Agency or the US Food and Drug Administration.
Over the years, we have provided translation services in support of everything from global clinical trials to translation of consent forms, labels, package inserts and instructions for use.
Construction Case Study
From domestic construction contracts building the hearts of local communities to major multinational installations providing vital revenue for UK business, APT's translators are the cornerstone of the conversation.
Engineering and Construction Translations
APT has worked with the engineering and construction industry for more than 30 years. For one of our largest clients we have translated more than 10 million words into 40 language combinations
Engineering Case Study
Whether your field of expertise is civil engineering, mechanical engineering, chemical engineering, electrical engineering, or one of the many other branches, APT offers detailed technical translation services you can trust.
We have a wealth of expertise translating documents for the engineering, energy, legal, financial and medical sectors as well as websites, apps and digital content for e-learning, consumer and public sector.APT Translation Agency specialises in translation, localisation and global content solutions
From marketing in Mandarin, to technical documents in Turkish, we get the job done quickly, accurately combining linguistic excellence, technology and project managementAPT Translation Agency specialises in translation, localisation and global content solutions
We know what your business means to you, so we want to deliver the best to you. Our robust quality assurance system is specially designed to engage only top rated translators for projects of our clients.APT Translation Agency specialises in translation, localisation and global content solutions
Marketing & Advertising Translation Services
Translation Services for Marketing & Advertising
Over the years we have helped companies to translate their marketing material for customers and employees around the world. With so many channels available through which to communicate it is more important than ever to ensure that your copy is written to the highest standards and fit for purpose.
And while technology might be transforming the way in which we interact and work with each other, cultural sensitivity has never been so critical – what might go down well in the UK may create unexpected sensitivities in China.
We offer our clients a combination of linguistic excellence, industry insight and exceptional customer communication.
These are skills that we have developed through years of experience.
We work with you to understand both the message you want to deliver and the tone in which you want to deliver it and by understanding the cultural needs of region-specific marketing campaigns.
We also incorporate secondary proofreading and editing into our process as well as terminology and project management to ensure that your translated materials are as accurate and consistent as the original.
Consumer and Retail Translations
APT has produced translations for some of the largest retail names, ranging across all manner of products, from consumer electronics to fashion brands
We have a wealth of expertise translating documents for the engineering, energy, legal, financial and medical sectors as well as websites, apps and digital content for e-learning, consumer and public sector.APT Translation Agency specialises in translation, localisation and global content solutions
From marketing in Mandarin, to technical documents in Turkish, we get the job done quickly, accurately combining linguistic excellence, technology and project managementAPT Translation Agency specialises in translation, localisation and global content solutions
We know what your business means to you, so we want to deliver the best to you. Our robust quality assurance system is specially designed to engage only top rated translators for projects of our clients.APT Translation Agency specialises in translation, localisation and global content solutions